If you're bisexual, bi-curious, or bi-friendly, this is the place for you! Come hang out and make new friends with other bisexuals in the New York area.
We welcome anyone and everyone who is, has been, or might be bi, as well as people who think bisexuals are cool folk to hang out with. We meet for dinner once a month to talk about love, sex, commitment, honesty, polyamory, monogamy, cooking, computer geekery, books and pretty much anything else that comes to mind.
The Meetups are not a "meat market", nor are they a gateway to a wild world of orgies and partner-swapping. They exist to provide a warm and welcoming sense of community to bi, bi-curious, and bi-friendly people in the New York area. To support this goal, we ask that you refrain from posting personal ads and overtly sexual messages on our message board. At the Meetups themselves, behave as you would at any other informal dinner party.
Please leave your preconceptions at the door and come prepared to have a relaxed good time in a fun, social, no-pressure atmosphere.
Our next meeting is on Friday, June 2nd 2006 at 7:00 PM at the Garden Cafe, a lovely little restaurant in Inwood with an outdoor seating area just right for small to medium-size groups. To reach it, take the A Train to 207th Street (the last stop). Please let us know whether you plan to attend so that we can tell the restaurant what size group to expect.
Future Meetups will take place at other locations around the city to be accessible to as many members as possible, but we hope those who aren't in the immediate area will join us as well.
Please feel free to post suggestions for future Meetup venues to the message board.
Official Website: http://lgbtfriends.meetup.com/63/about/
Added by NYABN on May 14, 2006