The way we run and grow our businesses is changing rapidly, is your business ready?
If you are a small business owner or sales professional, and you are looking for proven, relevant strategies to grow your business this year... this event is for you!
Are you STRUGGLING to do MORE with LESS?
Are you FRUSTRATED with inconsistent (or non-existent) CASH FLOW?
Are you OVERWHELMED with the daily pressure & STRESS related to your business?
If your answer is YES to any of these, we can relate...and we can help! You will learn from local business owners and experts who have overcome these very same issues:
No Theories - No Sales Pitches - Just BIG Results
PRODUCTIVITY: Learn how to create more time & results EVERY DAY in your business
PROFIT: Learn creative cash flow techniques to stretch your cash and credit
PRESSURE: Learn how to maintain your sanity & success during tough times in your business
We hope you will join us for this amazing event. We're confident it will help you create BIG Results in your business.
THIS EVENT IS NOT one big seminar/sales pitch designed to get you to spend more money. (we wouldn't go either!)
THIS EVENT IS about small business professionals working together to create ideas, inspiration, and income for their businesses.
Award-winning speaker, author & business coach.
As co-founder and CEO of two thriving companies, a regional charity leader for the March of Dimes, a wife & mother, Jessica is a living example of leading a successful, balanced life.
As a licensed, CPA, CFP, and CVA, Sean is one of the most highly-regarded (and educated) tax professionals in Northern California.
As a former mayor of the city of Fairfield, a 22+ year insurance agent/broker, and highly-acclaimed youth athletics coach/mentor, Chuck possesses a leadership quality that you usually only read about.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 4, 2010