851 Howard Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Do you want to change the world?...how are WE going to do it?
Join the new Town Hall gatherings “The New Me is We”

ADPSR and The Big One will co-sponsor a 4 part once a month Connectivity Series called "The New Me is We", Design by Dialogue Series

This is not your typical lecture series, there will be no “Talking Heads” ….engagement is the name of this game~

Design by Dialogue Topics & Dates:
• March 12 ~ Engaged Democracy: Dave Henson & Don Ernst
…where your involvement actually means something
• April 9 ~ Community Prosperity: Raquel Rivera Pinderhughes
…bringing out the best of people and place
• May 14 ~ Post Petroleum Transitopia: Jason Henderson
…reclaiming the joy of mobility
• June 9~ Take Back the Commons: Chris Carlsson and Dwayne Jones
…creating social spaces where ever you go
6-6:30 pm Pot Luck meet and Greet, invited to bring your own dishware (Pot Luck contributions are encouraged but not essential~)
6:30-6:40 pm Invocation music by Alan Tower
6:40-7:20 pm Interactive game relevant to subject of discussion
7:20-8:10 pm Speakers share lessons from lifework
8:10-8:40 pm Group Dialogue & wrap up with Speakers
8:40-9:00 pm Go make friends! Start up new projects
Location: Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard Street

PLEASE RSVP Saba Malik at Sabsmalik12@aol.com

The Big One Websites and ADPSR:

Official Website: http://www.wiserearth.org/group/TheBigOne

Added by Tori Jacobs on March 5, 2008

Interested 3