225 East Houston Street at Essex/Avenue A
New York, New York 10002

In celebration and support of the New Israel Fund’s work to promote justice and equality for all Israel’s citizens.

The New Generations Benefit is the premiere annual event for progressive supporters of Israel, drawing 500 people and raising funds for the New Israel Fund, the leading human, civil and social rights organization in Israel. Great company, elegant cuisine and an open bar, and fabulous raffle prizes. Featuring DJ Anaan of JDub Records.

Tickets start at $170. Special pre-benefit hors d’oeuvres & martini reception at 7pm in the VAULT for donors of $500 and above. A limited number of $85 tickets are available for full-time students with valid ID and for those who cannot afford the full price.

Contact nynewgen@nif.org or tel. 212-613-4400

Official Website: http://www.nif.org/nycbenefit

Added by nifnewgen on May 2, 2007

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