Global Innovation Dialogue: The New How

When designing a strategy, management gurus have always said "people matter." But those same gurus still relegate strategy to an elite set of executives with a focus on grids, frameworks, long presentations and hierarchical approaches. Business strategy typically has been planned by corporate chiefs in annual meetings, and then dictated to managers to carry out. The New How turns that notion on its head.

After many years of working with different companies, Nilofer Merchant presents in her book The New How a new way to create a business strategy. When employees get involved in strategic development they believe in and are equipped to successfully implement.

If you want to know about how to create a collaborative culture, innovate faster and strategize to win, then you will be interested in The New How and want to attend this Global Innovation Dialogue.

If you want to learn about the book go to
If you want to buy the book directly go to

About the Author:

Nilofer Merchant, CEO, strategist and author, is a leading authority on creating business strategy to achieve success. Merchant has honed her unique, collaborative approach to solving tough problems for companies like Adobe, Apple, Nokia, HP Pinnacle, Logitech, Openwave, Symantec, among others, to create solutions to win markets.

As Rubicon's founder and CEO, Nilofer leads a distinguished team of hands-on operational veterans. Her keynote presentations attract standing room only crowds at business leadership events, technology expos, women's conferences, and universities.

SCU Faculty, staff, and students are free. We would appreciate an email to Bonita Banducci -- if you wish to attend.

Official Website:

Added by FullCalendar on February 18, 2010

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