Cheltenham, England GL50 1SP

Monday 25th May - 7.00pm-9.00pm (St Andrews Church, Montpellier,Cheltenham Gloucs)

The world renowned spiritual teacher, cultural pioneer and founder of EnlightenNext magazine, shares wisdom for collectively reaching our higher human potentials.

What is the relationship between inner and the outer? How does profound development at the level of consciousness directly relate to genuine transformation at a cultural level?

Andrew Cohen - world renowned spiritual teacher, author and cultural pioneer - is passionately dedicated to inspiring as many people as possible to be responsible for the greatest task there is - evolving consciousness and creating a new culture together. The revolutionary idealist has been charting the terrain of the New Enlightenment for over two decades, advocating a spiritual perspective that embraces the deep time evolutionary process.

Through his engaged approach to spiritual inquiry, Cohen will illuminate how our very understanding of non-dual awakening evolves over time as we do, and how its significance takes on new dimensions and importance as the conditions of our world become ever more complex. Originator of Evolutionary Enlightenment - a contemporary spiritual and philosophical teaching - he has mapped a comprehensive framework for the development of our higher human potentials. Central to this teaching is our awakening to an understanding and experiential recognition of the evolutionary impulse as the animating life-force within us. By becoming ever more conscious of this force, and aligning ourselves to it, we can become powerful instruments for human transformation, starting at the most fundamental level - the level of consciousness itself.

"I believe that if we want the world to change in a significant way, and if we're serious about creating a better future for us all, then the only way it's going to happen is the only way it's ever happened: through the evolution of consciousness and culture. For the universe to evolve at this level, those of us at the leading edge - that fortunate minority of us who have been blessed with wealth, education, and the time to consider these higher matters - have to make sure it happens. We have to be the ones to create the future."

The founder of EnlightenNext and its flagship magazine of the same name, Cohen has been teaching for over twenty years; he has set up eleven centres worldwide and inspired a substantial global following of ‘new evolutionaries'. Cohen is currently working on a new book to be released spring 2010.

More Information

Cost: £12.00.

To book: 01242 254321 or

Added by davependle on March 28, 2009

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