Veterans Hall
846 Front Street
Santa Cruz, Ca
*Beautiful, sunny, sandy Santa cruz (Holy Cross), CA
Ramada Limited Santa Cruz Water Street
516 Water St
Ocean St & Water St
Santa Cruz, CA, 95060 US
15% discount
Tell them you are with the new ecstatics.
Wedsday - April 8th
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm RegistratioN
7:30 pm - Conference Kickoff!
Thursday - April 9th
11:00 am - Party Session
7:30 pm - Party Session
Friday - April 10th
11:00 am - Party Session
7:30 pm - Party Session
Saturday - April 11th
11:00 am - Party Session
7:30 pm - Party Session
Evenings open to all!
Early Registration through April 7th:
$25/person -- $45/married couple
At the Door registration:
$35 per person.
Write to us at:
Onsite Registration opens at The Veterans Hall Wed, April 8th at 4:30 PM
No child care provided but children are welcome!
Ecstatics & Revelators:
+Georgian & Winnie Banov+www.riverlution.net
"Joy Apostles"Georgian and Winnie Banovare a radical power team. Their exuberant, ecstatic childlike praise and deep intimate worship ushers in an Open Heaven atmosphere through which they deliver life-changing revelations.Since 1994 Winnie has been locked in the wine barrel of ecstasy and can not find the exit...Not that she is looking for it!
Georgian and Winnie are a father and mother to the Mystical Ecstatic movement and carry loads of heavy love wine.
Boldly declaring the finished work of Calvary they minister freedom, joy, supernatural healing and wholeness by exerting the divine labor: Christ, the hope of glory, be fully formed in you! They also hold a special anointing for the release of creative miracles including supernatural blessings for finances, land and houses.
The Banovs travel extensively, holding apostolic renewal meetings and conferences worldwide. Charged with a heart of compassion for the poorest of the poor, they also host lavish evangelistic feeding crusades throughout the third world. Although the sounds, flavors and spices of these "Kingdom celebration feasts" vary from nation to nation, they find the river of God's extravagant love is always the same -- passionate, all consuming, and irresistible.
+Benajmin & Stephanie Dunn+www.joyrevolution.com
Benjamin & Stephanie Dunn are two Jesus Lovers that travel around the world splashing the extravagant message of the Cross of Jesus Christ! They carry the mysticalphenomena of the Bliss of Salvation!Benjamin & Stephanie had an awesome encounter with the Lord while they were hitchhiking and hopelessly wandering through out California.The Lord showed up mightily for them and forever captured their hearts.Their addiction is Jesus and they love to see people all over the earth collide with the greatest pleasure of all...JESUS! They are abundantly satiated with the fatness from the sacrifice ofHis house and he makes themto drink of the river of pleasure. Psalm 36:8.Through intimate, joyous, worship and a message of the incalculable, exhaustless,unsearchable riches of Jesus, Benajmin & Stephanie minister a massive drink of the Truth! God forbid that they boast about anything or anyone but the Cross of Jesus Christ!
+John & Lily Crowder+www.thenewmystics.com
Johnand Lily have a passion to spread the exhuberant love and joy of the supernatural gospel of Jesus Christ. They are prophetic healing revivalists based out of Griffin, GA. They are founders of Sons of Thunder Ministries and Publications, speaking at conferences, eventsand evangelistic campaigns across North America and around the world. Johnhas authored two books,"Miracle Workers, Reformers and The New Mystics" and "The Ecstasy of Loving God," as well as thousands of published articles.John and Lilylong to release a creative new movement of ecstatic believers, who are enthralled by the finished works of Christ and whodemonstrate miraculous lifestyles. Their heart is to see the Kingdom of God invade every sector of society. John has avision to equip a supernatural generation with effective spiritual tools, including signs, wonders, miracles and prophetic abilities, needed for the last-day harvest.
Sons of Thunder plants children's homes for orphans, conducts evangelism campagins and hosts conferences and ministry tours across the globe. John has served as a long-term missionary in Alaska, with experience in secular journalism. He often ministers alongside his wife, Lily, and their four children, who are also activated in prophetic healing ministry.
John's ministry is marked by creative miracles and unusual signs and wonders. He carries a vision for revival and longs to see the Glory of God in the land of the living. Heprimarily carries a mandate to engage the church in deeper realms of intimacy with Christ, and to reconnect the mystical body of Christ to its supernatural roots. John has a strong historical focus on the wonderworkers of the past -- as well as a prophetic perspective of the wonderworkers of the future.
+Dave Vaughan & Justin Abraham From The UK+ www.emergewales.com
JustinandRachel Abrahamjumped into the unpredictableflow ofrevivalback in the 1990s through theoutpouring in Toronto Canada and have been riding the waves ever since.Addicted to the bliss and joy of heaven, they carry a joyfulanointing that messes people up with the love of God bringing them into a new place of destiny and power. Their message is one of salvation bliss, celebration, healings, supernatural encounters and Daddy's love. They are love revoutionaries living it up for Jesus everyday! Loving the poor, the lost and broken, they are passionate about the UK and know this is the greatest hour this nation has ever seen.Spreading wild fire God has used them to birth a people movement along with Dave & Donna Vaughan that has been spreading across the UK since 2006 and into Europe of radical, crazy, whacked-up in the glory, Jesus lovers who are encountering God. The cat is out of the bag and there is no going back! Pressing on they continue to do whatever God wants to see heaven invade the earth, taking teams onto the streets, hosting Sloshfests, conferences and training schools, pressing forwards to see souls won for Jesus, bodies healed and the dignity of the nations restored. The flow of the Spirit has taken them to the Middle East, Asia, Africa and America. But their greatest dream is to see the stadiums of the UK filled, the nation transformed and the fire spread into Europe. They dare to believe such things arepossible and live each day to see that reality fulfilled inthis generaiton.
Dave and Donna Vaughanlove the Glory realm. From the time they first encountered the love of God in 1992 Dave and Donna have been addicted to the Bliss of Heaven. Dave carries a heavy intoxication of heaven. At times Dave spends months overwhelmed and immobilised by Heavens wine where he powerfully encounters the presence of God. Dave has carried the wine sign and Glory realm throughout the world, where he has spilled out in many nations. Dave is a modern day ecstatic who regularly encounters God through visitations and angelic happenings. Dave loves the supernatural and the mystic realms, he believes that God is raising up an Enoch Army who will have a true revelation of what it means to be a Citizen of Heaven. The Vaughan's long to see the Glory realm not only immobilise the Church but also regions and nations, they are now expecting a 'Trance Like Glory' to be released from Heaven wherever they go. Dave believes that God is releasing a Body of People to whom walking in the supernatural will not be optional but essential. Dave and Donna help to head up Emerge Wales where they are seeing a grassroots movement of crazy radicals raised up throughout the U.K, they regularly take teams onto the streets where healings and miracles are common place. Dave longs to be possessed and constrained fully by the love of God, to Dave ministry is entirely about intimacy with Him and then wherever that leads. Dave and Donna presently live in South Wales with their four precious children.
+Jacob & Kristin Wallace+ www.loverevo.org
Organized by Joy Revolution Ministries
Ticket Info: - Single Registration, $25.99
- Married Couples Registration, $46.12
- Student/Partner Registration, $20.99
- Nights are open to all!, Free
Official Website: http://thenewecstatics-upcoming.eventbrite.com