502 Horton Plaza
San Diego, California 92101

This is an to event to show that a nerd's life is not just taken over by video games, comic books, or Japanese

school girls fighting in giant robots. We're bringing Southern California's funniest comedians down here to make

you laugh.

This moth's headliner is Ron Swallow!
When Ron Swallow was faced with the prospect of a talent show at the age of 16, Ron felt he had no talent. Someone pointed out to him that he was funny and maybe he should try standup. Ron wrote jokes about fluffy toilet seat covers and GI Joe, and the rest is history. Having lived the life of a nerd with a strange name has allowed him to observe his surroundings in a unique and fun way. From making fun of his name to his opinions on annoying common sayings, he will always keep people laughing and thinking. Audiences will enjoy RonĀ“s ability to take his geekdom and make it relatable. With Ron Swallow, one thing is for sure, hilarity will ensue. Ron Swallow is a regular at the Improv in Hollywood, and has been on Ugly Betty and Mad TV.

We have our features:
Michal Delvey
Dave Calllans
Jonathan Fraser
Laura Condi

And your host:
Erick Castillo

21+, No Drink Minimum!
Full dinner and show.
FREE parking at Horton Plaza for 4 hours with Madhouse validation
502 Horton Plaza, San Diego, CA 92101

Added by Michael Delvey on June 15, 2012

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