420 Homer Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

VanUE is extremely pleased to announce that our last speaker before our
summer break is going to be Scott Berkun. This event will reach capacity <
you must RSVP for this event! Positive RSVPs only please: rsvp@vanue.com

Thursday, May 24th, 2007 < 5:30 to 7:00pm
There will be networking from 5:00 - 5:30 before the event

Much of what we know about innovation is wrong < that's the bet this talk
takes, as it romps through the history of innovation in technology and
design, dispelling the mythologies we've constructed about how we got here.
This romp of a talk, loosely based on the upcoming O'Reilly book (May 2007),
will help you to recognize the myths, understand why they're popular (even
if you don't believe in them), and how to use the truth to help you innovate

Scott is an author, public speaker and consultant. He worked as a manager at
Microsoft from 1994-2003, on projects including (v1-5) of Internet Explorer,
Windows and MSN. He started his own consulting practice in 2003. Wrote the
best seller "The art of project management" (O¹Reilly 2005). And teaches a
graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington. Visit
Scott online at scottberkun.com.

Location: VFS (Vancouver Film School)
The VFS Digital Design campus is located at 420 Homer Street between Pender
and W. Hastings. Enter through the side door on the east side of Homer
Street. The event will take place in Theatre 1 accessible from the main
foyer. Reception will be in place to assist all guests.

Please arrive before 6pm since building doors lock at 6pm!

Added by cathywang on April 27, 2007



Couple of event and after party photos by Frank Lee.