1331 Record Crossing Road
Dallas, Texas 75235

Joe and Sandi Black and The Modern Stage
announce the production
a New York-bound comedy by Tom Sime, August 14- 24, 2008 at Teatro Dallas
Joe and Sandi Black and The Modern Stage will present the new adult comedy My Favorite Animal by award-winning playwright Tom Sime, at Teatro Dallas, 1331 Record Crossing Road, opening Friday, August 15 and continuing through Sunday, August 24, 2008. Phyllis Cicero directs an outstanding cast.
This production is designed to get the play into shape for its New York City showcase, booked for November 11-30 at the 45th Street Theatre, a 99-seat house in the Broadway Theatre District. Through rehearsals and the first week of this run, Mr. Sime and Ms. Cicero will make improvements and field ideas from the cast, staff and audience to make the play the funniest and best it can be. A transfer for a longer run in New York is anticipated, and the producers are raising funds for that purpose.
My Favorite Animal was presented by Mr. Simes Modern Stage in an uproarious reading directed by Ms. Cicero at Theatre Too in April. Messrs. Black and Sime planned to make Tom's NYC debut with the comic thriller Bloodletters, produced in June at Teatro, but the reception and style of My Favorite Animal convinced them it was the right play to transfer first to Manhattan, where Sime is relocating. Production of the revised Bloodletters will play New York in 2009.
My Favorite Animal takes place in the office of psychotherapist Jerry (Josh Hepola), whose newest client is Randi (Trista Wyly), a vivacious young woman with a startling secret. As Jerry tries to decide if he is dealing with a prank, a psychotic or something entirely different, Randi proves to haveand bring with heran even bigger and more dangerous problem. The cast includes Sylvia Luedtke as Jerrys outspoken mother, David Lugo as Randis paramour, Shane Strawbridge as a grating client and Steven-Shayle Rhodes as a reporter. Note: this play includes adult language.
Performance times: Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm. Preview Thursday, Aug. 14 at 8. Opening Night is Friday August 15 at 8 pm. Shows on Sunday, August 17 and Saturday, August 23 will be followed by free Talk-Back sessions with the playwright, director and cast. Tickets are $25 general admission, $20 for both seniors (60 & over) and young adults (age 25 & under). Preview tickets are $15. Tickets are available by mail and on the Internet at www.themodernstage.com or by phone at 1-800-595-4849.
For press information, please call Lisa Taylor of Taylor-Made Press at 214-943-1099, email lisatmp@swbell.net, or tomsime@sbcglobal.net.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of artsdallas.

Added by sarahjanesemrad on July 31, 2008

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