120 Vassar Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Imagine a ball rolling down a track that lands on a board that tips a book that falls onto a string that pulls six precariously balanced blocks that fall into a pan causing it to get heavy enough to fall and make a big crashing sound followed by?Yes, you get the idea! Invent a link and join kinetic sculptor and renowned chain reaction creator Arthur Ganson as he choreographs this event.

Information for participating teams:

* Teams:
$10 per team of 4 participants.
Additional team members, $5 each.
Teams must register by November 19.

* Spectators:
$10 for adults
$5 for children (under 18), students and seniors
Free with MIT ID.
Spectator fee includes an additional one-time free entry to the MIT Museum, valid any time during the next 30 days.

Added by brandyk on November 20, 2005

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