Rosse Street, Shipley, Bradford West Yorkshire
Bradford, England BD18 3SW

Regular meeting of business club The Met Club, whose members meet at eight venues across Yorkshire each month.

The Met Club is an informal networking club where overt selling and pressure referrals are strictly prohibited. It's not that sort of club.

It’s where business people meet and socialise, and discuss the one thing they are all passionate about – business.

It is a relaxed, informal and supportive members' club where friendships are made, alliances formed and, as a result, deals are struck.

The Met Club is for people for whom business is about more than simply making a “fast buck”.

It is where senior decision makers gather once a month to eat, catch up, laugh, listen, learn, and maybe, just maybe, do a spot of business.

Official Website:

Added by The Met Club on May 5, 2009

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