From 1975 to 1985, Martin Diamond, with his wife Harriette, operated a New York gallery dealing with 20th-century American art. Over a period of 25 years, they had also compiled an archival collection concerning American art in general, but focusing on early- and mid-20th-century modernism. The archives consists of over 3,500 items, including books, monographs, brochures, catalogues, posters, photographs, magazines, broadsides, illustrated books, drawings, posters and etchings. There are also original documents of historical significance such as letters and marginal notes in publications by well-known artists. This latter category includes such rarities as a 1916 hand-written note by Alfred Stieglitz to Georgia O'Keeffe, and eight hand-written pages by Hans Hofmann giving instruction on abstract painting, circa 1937-38.
Added by Upcoming Robot on September 15, 2008