1074 Valencia Street
San Francisco Bay Area, California 94110

San Francisco's Longest Running Underground Comedy Showcase

The Marsh's Mock Cafe Comedy Showcase
San Francisco's longest running underground stand up comedy showcase presents Comedy Central's Bill Santiago!
Saturday, February 24th, 10pm - $5

The Mock Cafe is an intimate comedy space tucked away in the Mission District that has become the home of bargain comedy for San Francisco. Robin Williams, Will Franken, Jasper Redd and Brian Copeland amongst many others have "dropped by" to savor this intimate comedy environment. This weeks headliner is Comedy Central's Bill Santiago. Santiago's writing is tight, lean and well served by his I-could-read-a-telephone-book-and-make-you-laugh delivery. Logging over 300 shows nationwide last year, he gigged at top clubs, theaters, coffeehouses, country western bars, Mexican restaurants, hotels and the occasional Laundromat. Back at his studio, the evidence is in the décor. Also featuring the Bay Area's hottest working comics. Hosted by Chris Garcia and Rusty Mahakian.

The Mock Cafe - 1070 Valencia St @ 21st St - Mission District(BART: 24th Street) (Muni: 14, 26, 49, 67) $5

Added by thechrisgarcia on February 21, 2007

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