AIMS Canada Event - Association of Internet Marketing & Sales
Every week brings new reports of companies opening offices and stores in the virtual world of Second Life. Telus, American Apparel, and Dell are just a few of the well-known brands that have opened their virtual doors for business.
The initial hype is starting to subside as stories of empty stores and vandalized buildings make headlines. Yet over $500,000 US exchanges hands daily among the 3.7 million residents and businesses continue to explore the opportunities in this online digital world.
Join us for an in-depth look at what Second Life (and other virtual worlds) means to marketers. Youll learn what the people and companies in Second Life are doing, the implications (today and future) of virtual worlds for brands and marketers, and what your company should know before throwing open its virtual doors.
Plus - after the presentation well have 3 breakout sessions so you can get hands-on with Second Life. Join one of the following groups:
- Taking the plunge entering Second Life for the first time
- Im a walking, talking, sometimes flying avatar Now what?
- Im a SL resident looking at possibilities for my business
Event submitted by on behalf of Kathryn_Lagden.
Added by klagden on February 27, 2007