Join us on Friday, November 4th at the TAJ Hotel for a fashion show by Hana Sadiq, artist turned fashion designer who takes the best of Arabic art and re-imagines it into haute couture. Using striking and bold colors, she adorns her dresses with Arabic calligraphy, either verses of love poetry or simply scattered letters.
Every aspect of the dress is thoughtfully put together by Hana personally. Complimenting her designs are pieces of old Arabic silver that have been collected over two decades.
Hana has designed dresses for royalty around the Middle East and is considered a cultural ambassador around the world.
This will be the designer's Boston debut and one of the few opportunities to see her.
On November 4th, CAC will host Hana's latest collection in a fashion show titled the "Many Names of Love". Prior to the event, there will be a private reception with the designer for our platinum ticket holders.
But, the fun doesn't stop there. Prepare to see an array of Hana's stunning designs grace the runway in the Taj's grand ballroom. Following the fashion show will be music and dancing. Not to mention a variety of silent auction items to choose from.
We look forward to seeing you there. Personally, we can't wait.
The Platinum Package ($150/ticket - choose 7 pm timing)
1. A private, pre-show reception with the designer (7-8 pm)
2. Hor d'euvres and two free drinks
3. Preferred seating
4. Swag Bag
Golden Tickets ($75/ticket - choose 8 pm timing)
1. 2 Free drinks
2. Post-show reception
Student tickets ($30/ticket - choose 8 pm timing, Valid Student ID required)
1. Only 40 available
2. Standing room only
Added by fatoush on October 27, 2011