An evening of explosive New York City comedy hosted by Robert Keller (CBC's "The Second City's Next Comedy Legend") and featuring Paul Case (NBC, MTV), Leah Dubie (Tru TV's "The Smoking Gun Presents"; WE's "Cinematherapy"), Shawn Hollenbach (here! TV, Logo), musical guest Wendy Ho (Showtime), and a surprise visit from Quebec's sweetheart, Celine Dion (as performed by Robert Keller)!
August 20, 21, and 22 at 8pm, with a late show on August 22 at 10:30 pm
Théâtre Ste. Catherine
264 Ste. Catherine St. East (bw St. Laurent and St. Denis)
Montreal, Qc H2X 1L4
Metro Berri-UQAM
Tel. (514) 284-3939
For more information, check out
"The Manhattan Comedy Project"--the best in New York City comedy, brought right to you, without the giant subway rats or the scent of urine! Get your tickets today!
Official Website:
Added by Robert Keller on August 3, 2009