300 West 43rd Street @8th Ave, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10036

APRIL 24 – MAY 8, 2010
Jean Genet’s THE MAIDS directed by Tracy Cameron Francis. THE MAIDS will play a three-week limited engagement at Studio 660: 300 West 43rd Street @8th Ave, 6th Floor. New York, NY 10036

As Jean-Paul Sartre describes in his introduction, “The most extraordinary example of the whirligigs of being and appearance, of the imaginary and the real is to be found in Genet’s The Maids…Two maids both love and hate their mistress. They have denounced her lover to the police by means of anonymous letters. Upon learning that he is to be released for lack of proof, they realize their betrayal will be discovered, and they try to murder Madame. They fail and want to kill themselves. Finally, one of them takes her life, and the other, left alone and drunk with glory, tries, by the pomp of her posturings and language, to be equal to the magnificent destiny that awaits her.”

THE MAIDS plays the following regular schedule through Saturday, May 8:
Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. | Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. | Fridays at 7:30 p.m. | Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. | Sundays at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $25 and are now available online at brownpapertickets.com or by calling 646-450-2878. Tickets may also be purchased in-person at the loft ½ hour prior to performance.

Wednesday night is only $15 and benefits Clean The World (http://cleantheworld.org/). Audience members should register online and bring soap or shampoo for the charity to receive the ticket discount.
Running Time: 90 minutes
Website: www.curiousfrog.org

Official Website: http://www.curiousfrog.org

Added by colivos125 on April 21, 2010

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