This Event will start at 6:00pm,and at this time there will be Hor d'oeuvres & Mingling. At 7:00pm Dinner is served. There will be door prizes and other prizes throught the night. There will also be a Speaker and great music and singing. So come enjoy a night out on the town in beautiful downtown Athens!
Where: New College Room,Holiday Inn
197 East Broad Street
Athens Ga. 30601
Semi-Formal or Formal Attire
Singles & Couples Welcome
Advanceed Tickets $30 per person
For More Information contact: Audrey Robinson
706-742-5517 or 770-539-1480
Added by ladyacr37 on January 13, 2009
I heard that this event is going to be the bomb,the last time they held it in Gainesville,Ga. and I attended and it was very nice.Anybody that's somebody if I were you I would be there,hope to see you there.