“The Love In” hosted by Multimixx – An Interracial Dating Events Company
We’re having a singles mixer in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia decision. It was only 1967 (yes the Sixties!) when the US government said it was LEGAL to have interracial relationship in this country.
We’re celebrating the civil right that Mr. and Mrs. Loving gave us.
The freedom to choose who we want to love, date or relate to.
Join us for fun, interactive singles games, mini speed dates, free snacks and finger food and drink specials.
Make a love match with someone new.
Event Location -Alibi
116 Mac Dougal Street in the heart of Greenwich Village
New York , New York
June 20th 2007 (WEDNESDAY)
Sign In 7:00
Event Starts 7:30 to 9:30
Age range for participants is 25 thru 37
Contact: admin@multimixx for further information
Payment made via our website @ www.multimixx.com
Cost - $25
Nearest Subway – Take the A, C, E and F train to West 4th Street
Official Website: http://www.multimixx.com
Added by Nikstar on June 15, 2007