the loom: on around and through
February 11 - April 16, 2011
At its most basic, a loom is a machine that structures fibers into a system
of warps and wefts in order to produce cloth. While it has existed for
thousands of years its form and uses have been advanced and adapted
incrementally by cultures throughout the ages. The loom: on, around and
through will examine how a select group of contemporary artists are engaging
with and challenging the loom. Some of these artists work on the loom in the
traditional manner, fully absorbed by the contemplative zen-like process,
and others incorporate 21st century technologies and materials as they work
around and through the loom.
Exhibiting artists: Mike Andrews, Katie Glusica, Christy Matson, Abigail
Anne Newbold, Chinami Ricketts and Cynthia Schira.
Added by showcraftboston on November 9, 2010