Highly sought-after lash and brow expert, Joi Mebane, launches THE LOOK BY JOI to include products that focus on the total eye area, with a highly anticipated line of products that go from brow to lash and makeup sparkle. The Fashion Face Tour kicks off this Fall season, with a six-market tour partnering with boutiques in Atlanta, New Orleans, Tennessee, Macon, Birmingham, and Charlotte. A girl's beauty night out, the lash and brow experience will include delicious cocktails and cupcakes, product discounts, gifts with purchase, chic fashion finds and a truly beautylicious swag bag. For more information visit www.THELOOKBYJOI.com, facebook.com/THELOOKBYJOI or follow on Twitter @THELOOKBYJOI . To register for complimentary access to the Fashion Face Tour stop in your city visit http://FashionFaceTour.Eventbrite.com . To join the conversation - Twitter @TheLookByJoi #FashionFace #TheLook and facebook.com/TheLookByJoi
Added by thegarnercircle on October 11, 2011