For this show we spotlight the "Long and Short of Improv!" Kicking off the show...shortform improv comedy from Cleveland's own Rockwell9. This group just returned from rocking the stage at the DCM(Del Close Marathon). Ending the night...longform improv comedy from Angry Ladies of Improv. This 4 person team just finished performing at Columbus Unscripted.
Box office opens at 8pm. Show is at 9pm. Tickets are $5. Tickets can be reserved online or by phone. Cash only to purchase tickets. 216-472-3636 . Drinks can be purchased and brought into Big Dog from City & East Hookah bar just across the hall from the theater. BDT is located on the 2nd floor of the historic Centrum and is not handicap accessible.
Added by Powerhouse Pub on September 5, 2011