With Python 3.2 and even more with Python 3.3, Python 3 became usable for release products. Indeed given the things that are in Python 3 that are not being back-ported to Python 2, using Python 3 should probably be considered mandatory for all Python use. Certainly for new projects, and 2 ? 3 ports for all extant codes.
In this session we will investigate some of the issues, especially those relating to handling of concurrency and parallelism, and in particular concurrent.futures. Some material on CSP will almost certainly creep into the session.
Russel Winder is an independent consultant, analyst, author, expert witness, and trainer at Skills Matter and an expert on Java, Groovy, Scala, Python, D, Go. Gradle, SCons, Waf, SBT. Bazaar, Mercurial, Git.
Ex theoretical physicist. Ex UNIX systems programmer.
Official Website: http://skillsmatter.com/event/java-jee/switch-to-python-3-now-immediately
Added by skills.matter on January 28, 2013