Michael Mathews will talk about Unit Testing in JavaScript.
Creating unit tests in JavaScript is easier than you probably think and will make the job of building and debugging your application faster, easier and more reliable. This talk will include a short introduction to the basic concepts and benefits of unit testing and a complete walkthrough of how to implement your own unit tests.
Michael is currently a Client-Side Developer working for the BBC. He has been building high-usage commercial web sites since 1998 for companies such as MTV, HBO, Oxygen Television, the Gucci Group, and Chellomedia. He is the creator and current maintainer of the JsDoc tool, and an advocate for best practices in scripting for the web.
Important: Please RSVP using the URL below so that numbers are correctly anticipated.
Official Website: http://javascript.meetup.com/3/calendar/8124001/
Added by metafeather on June 28, 2008