2183 Mission St. @ 18th St.
San Francisco, California 94110

Lead by: Southern Exposure's Youth Advisory Board and Hypersea artists Joshua Short and Mabel Negrete in collaboration with Homes Not Jails

Come and participate to produce the 5th participatory mural outside of Balazo 18 Art Gallery. The mural, lead by Southern Exposure's Youth Advisory Board and Hypersea artist Joshua Short and Mabel Negrete, addresses the concerns and ideas of grass roots community based organization Homes Not Jails through mapping areas of abandoned property that could be utilized to house homeless communities in relation to areas of San Francisco that are experiencing gentrification. Homes Not Jails had an active role shaping the public and local government opinion about how to reutilize vacant spaces for affordable housing in the 90?s. Today their legacy has helped the San Francisco community to have a greater awareness of the issues of homelessness and gentrification.

This event is free and wheelchair accessible.
For more information about this mural/event contact, Hypersea: 415-642-6576, info@hypersea.net or visit us online: http://www.hypersea.net

Mural on View: March ? June 2006

The 5th Living Walls Mural Project is made possible by the support of Hypersea?s fiscal sponsor Intersection for the Arts, Southern Exposure?s Artist in Education Program, Balazo 18 Art Gallery, and generously founded by the Zellerbach Family and W. A. Gerbode Foundations.

Added by Hypersea on February 8, 2006