All Inquiries: (Editors, Media, Press, Guests, Sponsors)
Michelle [at] TheAList [dot] org
Please join as The Little Jim Club of CPMC and fine artist, Joan elan Davis host the 2010 Mardi Gras Launch Party. We'll get the good times rolling by presenting the Candidates for Monarch, the winner being crowned at the Mardi Gras Ball in March. So grab your krewe and prepare to meet Royalty...
* An evening Reception with artisanal wines from Mira Flores Winery, Pernod Absinthe, and Trumer beer.
* A delicious feast of hors d'oeuvres.
* A gorgeous gallery filled with fine art paintings, for you to peruse at your leisure.
* Raffle Grand Prize: A painting by Joan elan Davis,
* Smile! Photojournalists will be there... After the party, visit Photo Galleries to receive FREE digital photos from the evening.
2010 Mardi Gras Ball Monarch Candidates:
Mr. Doug Houghton, Ms. Stacey Lamirand, Dr. Steven Martel, Ms. Pearl McFarland
The first 50 people to purchase a Launch Party Invitation receive a special $50 gift certificate.
* Mardi Gras Launch Party: $35.
The A-List has a very limited number of special invitations available for $29.99.
Includes: Wine, Hors d'oeuvres, Raffle, and more...
* Mardi Gras Launch Party Captain: $140. Includes 4 Invitations.
The A-List has a very limited number of Captain Invitations available for $119.96.
Includes: 4 Invitations, 1 complimentary raffle ticket, Special Recognition for the Captain and their Krewe, Wine, Hors d'oeuvres, Raffle, and more...
The Little Jim Club Board:
Charlotte Rawa, President * Kelli Fleitas, VP - Fund-raising * Barry Barsamian, VP Candidates * Jane Mermelstein, Secretary * Marlene Smith, Treasurer * Kathryn Surso Rodriguez, Board of Directors * Julie Plunkett, Board of Directors * David German, Board Member/Webmaster, Harriet Ukai, Board Member * Bruce Woodward, Board Member
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 24, 2009