The male lion's lustrous mane isn't just for show, but is used for protection from the teeth and claws of predators. The King of the Jungle is sure to wake with "bed head" though, considering it can sleep up to 22 hours a day. Detroit Zoo visitors can discover more about the lion's mane at an exhibition at the Ford Education Center, aptly titled 'The Lion's Mane.' The traveling exhibition features the work of University of Minnesota researchers Craig Packer and Peyton West as they discovered surprising facts about the mane's true purpose and its role in attracting a mate. They began their investigation with two basic questions: Why does the lion have a mane, and does the King of Beasts need his mane for protection or is it a signal of his power and fitness? To find the answers, the researchers devised a number of experiments, including constructing a life-sized lion dummy with interchangeable mane "wigs" to observe how lions in the wild reacted in different situations. Results from their field study determined that female lions prefer males with darker manes, while male lions are threatened by longer, darker manes. Organized by the Bell Museum of Natural History at the University of Minnesota, the exhibition offers insight into the lion's mane while providing a hands-on learning experience for visitors. Exhibit areas include the Dummy Lion Experiment as well as a Land Rover Research Station and Lion Identification Game.
Added by Upcoming Robot on June 14, 2010
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