Druidry is a path that is emerging onto the world stage with relevance and power, as the major issue concerning us now is survival of the planet itself. What is a Druid? How do we find the health and happiness that is our birthright? How do we become Caretakers of the Earth? In the first part of this workshop Ivan introduces, with slides, the life and magical world of the modern-day Druid. In the second half we will experience a deep healing ceremony for the benefit of ourselves and all beings. Ivan McBeth is a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, and is the founder of the Green Mountain Druid Order in Vermont, USA. He is a founding member of the Oak Dragon Project in Britain, and teaches regularly in various schools of healing and geomancy. His passion is the creation of sacred space, and stone circles in particular. He is a member of the Circles for Peace project in the USA, and is co-responsible for the “Burlington Earth Clock’ stone circle by the bike path in Oakledge Park, Burlington, Vermont. He is a Reiki Master, and the author of a book called ‘Crystal Journey.’ He blows a dijereedoo, throws a mean boomerang, and often wears a silly top hat.
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