The Legend of Shiva & Parvati - Film. in collaboration with OUCIP Osmania University Centre for International Programs. This is the first of a series of German films that will be screened on a regular basis at OUCIP, to introduce and promote German cinema. The presence of the director Krishna Saraswati from Germany makes this first screening an event not to miss! About the film: Krishna Saraswati was a love-child born to an extraordinary couple: a young German woman who had fled her small village in search for spirituality in the 70s and an Indian Guru, a spiritual leader and ascetic, 20 years her senior. Although they seemed like a perfect couple, the young woman left India and raised her children in Germany without their father. Now that both parents are dead, Krishna goes on a quest from Southern Germany to the Himalayas to trace their unique love story and to find out who they really were. When Krishna talks to their closest friends and family - Yogis, farmers, former hippies, lawyers, dropouts - the ancient Indian The Legend of Shiva and Parvati truly comes alive. This film is a poetic answer to a deeply personal search for one's own roots. And above all, a beautifully told exotic love-story - captivating, intriguing, wonderful! Awards - Green Chillies Award: Manfred Durniak Award: 2nd prize in the cathegory best shortfilm Kategorie Bester Kurzfilm gingen die Preise an / In the category Best Short 22nd International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 19/29 November 2009 About Krishna Saraswati: Krishna Saraswati was born in 1980 in the Indian Himalayas, where he together with his German mother and Indian father spent a very happy childhood. In 1985, due to possibilities of better schooling he moved to Germany. After graduating in 2000 and absolving the 'Civilian DRKRettungsdienst', he did various internships in the field of Film and Television. Since 2003 Krishna is a student at the Film Academy Baden-Wrttemberg studying direction and is currently working on his filmdiploma. He lives with his wife and two children in a small village in South Germany.
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Added by buzzintown india on July 20, 2009