The Legend of Morning Glory is a story from the kabuki about a rich girl and a poor boy who promise to love each other forever. A kabuki taiko oratorio featuring master storyteller Brenda Wong Aoki; Asian jazz pioneer Mark Izu; taiko drumming by Maze Daiko; shakuhachi (traditional Japanese bamboo flutes) by Saxman Mas Koga; and dancers Kai Kane Aoki Izu and Emma Lanier. The performance is directed by Obie-award winner Jael Weisman, choreographed by Tony-nominated Kimi Okada, and has original music by Mark Izu and Janet Koike.
Public Information: Tickets range from $10 to $40 and can be purchased by calling the World Theater box office at (831) 582-4580 or online at The World Theater offers a buy-one, get-one-free promotion for the first 100 tickets sold to this performance. The Otter Bay Restaurant, in the building adjacent to the theater, is offering a special pre-show menu for this performance. For more information, visit or call 415-750-7694.
Added by cmargaritafranco on April 14, 2010