We are a Learning Center whose goal is to provide a forum where we can learn about the Yoruba based religious traditions which guide us.
By choosing to lead our lives in this tradition, we must also accept the challenge to educate ourselves about our rich and complex culture. It is not our intention to formally ‘teach’ or ‘lecture, but to provide guided discussions.
Throughout history, we have relied upon our elders to pass down our beliefs and traditions. We believe that despite the nuances and advances of technology, this is still the best way to educate our community.
Our mission at Our Learning Circle is to aid in this tradition. Please feel free to contact us at thelearningcircle@ymail.com with any questions. Also feel free to invite your elders, godchildren, family and friends. Please visit our website at www.meetup.com/our-learning-circle for additional information.
Our next Discussion Group topic:
Underdtanding Our Orisha - Those Who Are Crowned:
Oya and Yemaya
Added by Our Learning Circle on April 19, 2010