119 -12 Avenue
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G8

The Calgary Council for Advanced Technology is presenting an engaging dinner event featuring a presentation by Dr. Bruce McGee, President and CEO of E-T Energy and a panel discussion including Simon Dyer, Oil Sands Program Director at the Pembina Institute in Calgary, Dr. Eddy Isaacs, CEO of Alberta Innovates - Energy & Environment Solutions and Tracy Grills, President of the Canadian Heavy Oil Association (CHOA). The event will be moderated by Dr. Soheil Asgarpour, President of Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC).

Some estimates project worldwide demand for oil to grow by 50% over the next twenty years. Meanwhile the supply of “conventional” oil is decreasing. As Albertans, the way we supply “unconventional” oil to meet this demand will not only impact world oil markets, but will be a major factor in Alberta's economic, social and environmental future. However, there are important issues facing the development of Alberta's oil sands, such as: Alberta's international reputation, potential climate impact, water use, tailings ponds and land reclamation.

This event promises a dynamic and entertaining panel of Industry, Environment and Government experts debating the economic, technological, and environmental issues facing the development of Alberta's oil sands.
Don't miss this exciting and educational event on a topic that could impact every Albertan.


Date: April 27, 2010
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm Dinner
Location: Hotel Arts, 119 -12th Ave SW
Cost: $75 (includes GST, dinner and non-alcoholic refreshments)
Registration: Online at: www.ccat.org, or contact Lori at lori@ccat.org or Ph: (403) 282-4759

For more information please contact:
Lori Farley
CCAT Executive Director
Ph: (403) 282-4759
Email: lori@ccat.org

Added by Calgary Council for Advanced Tec on March 30, 2010