PEAKER: Alanna Fero, coach, employee engagement consultant, television commentator and author of the new book, "Love Made Visible: Values-Driven Approaches to Work/Life" (
TOPIC: "The Law of Attraction at Work." Do you ever wonder what is the purpose for being in your current job? Do you find yourself repeating and attracting the same type of situations and people at work? Do your values match the values of your workplace? Learn to integrate the modern career and life path. This speaker engages her audiences. For more information about Alanna Fero’s work and background, visit
LOCATION: Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hastings Street (at Kensington), Burnaby, BC
TIME: 6-7 pm social & networking, 7-8 pm dinner, 8-9 pm speaker
COST including dinner and speaker: $21.00 members, or $24.00 non-members. Bring your brochures,
RESERVE RSVP: Sharon at 604-434-7221 or
Added by MerrileeMiller on March 13, 2008