The language coffee shop is a really nice place. You sit down and talk to nice people at the same time as it is good practice for your English. There is always one person with English as his/her native language at each table. It can of course be a bit different from week to week depending on what persons that are visiting and so on, but I have had a lot of nice meetings and discussions at the language coffee shop and I can really recommend it.
It is also nice with the mixture of people there, different ages, different backgrounds and different nationalities.
I haven't been there for a long time but now my Thursdays seems to be more available again to visit this nice place. So I suppose I will become more or less a regular there again . I will probably also try to persuade a few persons from there to join this community. I think it is a nice combination to be able to use the sign-up forms in this community ( for the people who go to the language coffee shop. That way you can know what people and how many people that will show up each week (at least some of the people).
Hope to see you there!
(I have also been on the German table every now and then that is definitely good practice for my German, however my German is much, much worse than my English so I get so much more out of an English conversation than my staggering attempts in German... )
I hope to see you there and in the great community:
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- ett smart sätt att träffa nya och gamla vänner / a smart way to meet new and old friends
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Added by hejhopp on June 3, 2006