18401 N 32nd St
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

January 9 - 24, 2010
This touching two-act play takes the theatergoer on a personal journey that movingly entertains with heartfelt stories, song, and dance. Sandy plays herself, and she plays any number of characters from her colorful life story—imparting fond memories of her castanet-playing gypsy mother, her Jewish borscht-belt-entertainer father, her five siblings, and a childhood-dream-come-true of being an NFL cheerleader. Along the way she trades hot pants for long skirts, drops her pompoms, and cartwheels off the LA Raiders sidelines into the traditions-and-scriptures-bound path of Modern Orthodox Judaism.
There’s a lot more to life than the halftime show.
Performance Day/Time:
Thursday at 7p, Saturday at 8p and
Sunday at 2p & 7p (except 1/24 is 2p only)
All performances at Paradise Valley Community College Center for the Performing Arts Building
34th Street, just south of Union Hills Drive (4 blocks west of the 51— 1/2 mile south of the 101)
18401 N 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85032
Ticket Prices: Appropriate for 12 years and up
$27 - $42 Adult/Senior
$25 - Groups 10 or more
$7 - Student Rush at the door

Official Website: http://www.azjewishtheatre.org

Added by suponders on June 18, 2009

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