October 20, 2011, 7:30pm
The Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir's season has an international theme, and what could be more appropriate to launch that season than an exchange and collaboration with a foreign chorus? On October 20, 2011, 7pm, at First Congregational Church of Berkeley, the Choir presents The Journey Begins, a concert featuring Danish children's choir MidtVest Pigekor. The concert will mark the beginning of season pointed towards July 2012, when the Choir will host the Golden Gate International Choral Festival.
The families of the Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir are hosting the Danish girls choir in their homes this October, and it's not the first time - MidtVest Pigekor won several prizes at the 2009 Golden Gate Festival. That visit spawned a creative collaboration and led to a 2011 summer tour to Denmark and a Fall tour to California. During these trips the children studied the music of their sister choirs' countries, performing it singly and together, each representing the culture from which they came, and investing in the culture in which they were immersed. With The Journey Begins, they present the fruits of their collaboration, a project titled Vest Meets West, and celebrate the spirit of international accord through music that the Golden Gate Festival engenders.
This concert is only the beginning for the Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir. Their 29th Season has an international theme to support their Golden Gate Festival - an international choral festival for children's and youth's choirs, held July 8-14, 2012. Starting October 20 and continuing all year, the Choir will lead singers, families and concert goers on a intercontinental journey - all without stirring from the Bay Area. Each concert will feature the music of and about other nations. In July, the Golden Gate Festival will take place: choirs from diverse parts of the world will gather to present concerts, collaborate under expert direction, engage in healthy competition, and exchange friendship.
Official Website: http://www.piedmontchoirs.org
Added by FullCalendar on September 29, 2011