512 Trinity St
Austin, Texas 78701

The Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue is proud to announce an exciting partnership with Maggie Mae's "Gibson Lounge," bringing an ongoing weekly show every Friday night to downtown Austin with two shows at 8:00PM and 11:00PM. Located in the heart of Austin's historic and world-famous 6th Street district, the Gibson Lounge above Maggie Mae's at 6th and Trinity reflects a dream of opulent splendor from a bygone era, with a modern twist. It is the perfect space in which to enjoy The Jigglewatts' sultry and dazzling show! Advance tickets are available via www.frontgatetickets.com, and tickets also available at the door. http://www.frontgatetickets.com/search/index?term=jigglewatts&from=from&to=to

Since 2006, the Austin based Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue has been teasing and thrilling audiences with their re-imaginings of classic burlesque and exciting forays into the art of neo-burlesque. Members of this boutique troupe have headlined at an international level, performing from New Orleans to Las Vegas, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Featuring classically trained dancers, vocalists and entertainers whose brand of burlesque is upbeat, cheeky, clever, elegant and sexy all at the same time, they invite audiences of both men and women to join in the fun.

With fifteen titles collectively, including Hot Rods & Heels “Troupe of the Year,” Texas Burlesque Fest “Audience Choice Award” and “Best Costume,” New Orleans Burlesque Fest “Queen of Burlesque” and Burlesque Hall of Fame “Best Debut,” this resplendent troupe is the most highly acclaimed in the country.

Added by Goldie Candela on November 28, 2012



What a joke - this show is not worth attending and DEFINITELY not worth vending at.
For the kids/parents - over-priced parking - entry fee - food - rides (no they're not free) - over all, very disappointing.
For the vendors - don't even think about it - they operate by hard selling and lying to a new bunch of vendors each year (yes that's you Joni). They claim an 85% return rate of vendors each year - bullshit! - Joni claimed (and I still have it in writing) that she had spoken to 72 vendors that had all made more than $7000 at the show (this was two days later) - funny I watched vendors packing up at 3pm on the first day.
When I asked Joni if she had been at the the show, she informed me "no, because she was having chemo".
If you sign up for the show (and not payed anything) and try to back out, they inform you that "you have to do the show or they will call their lawyers in".
Two words - "rip off"

Interested 1