Station Approach Rd,
London, England SE1 7XB

A dream is a succession of thoughts, images, sounds or emotions which the mind experiences during sleep:

- There's a corridor that is growing longer and longer, and I'm running and running to arrive in class on time, but the corridor keeps growing...

- My cat is sleeping on my laps as I sit on the sofa, watching my brother's birthday celebration on Channel 5. Everyone is wearing fox masks so I can't see witch one is my brother, and then I realise that my cat has turned into a fox...

The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The interpretation of dreams as always been a favourite for cranks, self-righteous alternative brigades and megalomaniacs. Friendly Fire (the people who bought you D.I.Y. Avant Garde) had to do something about it.

On the night we'll ask member of the audience to tell us their dream. Real, genuine dreams they had. We'll choose one and proceed to enter a state of semi-psychadelik trance in which the dream will both be re-enacted and explained.


Official Website:!/event.php?eid=136179646400563

Added by imprology on July 3, 2010

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