About the Mestre Pastinha and Zumbi dos Palmares Celebration:
Mestre Pastinha and Zumbi dos Palmares are two important figures within Capoeira Angola. Mestre Pastinha (April 5, 1889 – November 13, 1981) was a capoeira Mestre from the state of Bahia, Brazil. He is revered for preserving the practice, philosophy and tradition of Capoeira Angola. Zumbi dos Palmares (1655 – November 20, 1655) was the leader of the Quilombo dos Palmares, a self-sustaining settlement of fugitive slaves in the northeast of Brazil. Zumbi was instrumental in helping Palmares fight the Portuguese military in Brazil. In Brazil, the anniversary of his death is celebrated as a Day of Black Consciousness. In memory of Mestre Pastinha and Zumbi dos Palmares, ICAF will be hosting weekend of capoeira classes, discussion, and celebratory activities. The classes will be led by invited guests Mestre Cobra Mansa, Mestre Jurandir, and Mestre Valmir.
Official Website: http://www.capoeira-angola.org
Added by jpcosta on November 4, 2009