Whether you are a beginner in the image profession or a seasoned veteran, AICI has put together an intensive five-day workshop series on the business of image. All the sessions are accredited and presented by seasoned image professionals. A sampling of the programs each day include:
Thursday, May 15:
* How to Build a Successful Image Consulting Business
* Perfect Fit: How Body Line Relates to Clothing Lines
* "NetWeaving" Client-Centric Selling
Friday, May 16:
* Keynote Speaker Doris Pooser presents: Image Consulting in a Global Economy--Turning Personal Style into Success
* Image Industry Icon Alyce Parsons presents What Does Style Have to Do with Men???
Saturday, May 17:
* Fashion History and Designers Past and Present
* Winning Workshops - Meeting the Needs of Your Client, Your Audience and Yourself
Sunday, May 18:
* The Write Stuff: Writing for Profit, Professional Status and Pleasure
Monday, May 19:
* The Devil Really Does Wear Prada and You Can Too--What You Need to Know for Your First Five Years
AICI sponsors accredited certification programs through the International Association of Continuing Education and Training. Members accrue continuing education units towards these titles: AICI is First-Level Certification; Second Level is Certified Image Professional (CIP); the Third--and highest--Level is Certified Image Master (CIM), considered by the image profession to be the equivalent of a Ph.D.
For complete brochure and registration information, AICI is on the Web at www.aici.org. For questions, contact Meeting Planner, Sharyn Baudler at 515-282-5500 or e-mail at staff@aici.org. Open to the Public.
$865 Full Conference rate, Student $525, AICI Member $655. One day Registration $385, Evening Gala & Awards Ceremony $75 each.
Official Website: http://www.aici.org/conferences/documents/2008ConferenceBrochure_Website.pdf
Added by FullCalendar on April 21, 2008