Tuesday 27 March 2007
Green architect Eric Corey Freed will be speaking to the Architecture Department.
In this lecture you will hear about the emerging field of green building;
see some of the most exciting technologies available; and get a glimpse of
the inevitable future of our buildings.
Join us in an energetic and lively discussion on green architecture from one
of the pioneers in the field. Eric Corey Freed is an award winning green
architect and principal of organicARCHITECT, a research and design firm
based in San Francisco. Eric is a warm and engaging speaker and presents
this inspirational and informative material in a logical way.
* what is environmentalism?
* what does this have to do with buildings?
* the 2 main misconceptions in green architecture
* what is the lifecycle and how does that effect the design of buildings?
* how to sell these ideas to your clients
* 5 case studies demonstrating these ideas
* an action plan to implement this in your office
LOCATION: University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
Meyerson Hall Room B1, 210 South 34th Street
INFO: www.organicarchitect.com/events
COST: Free
Official Website: http://www.organicarchitect.com/events
Added by rkeytex on February 23, 2007