1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

The Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA), marking its 30th anniversary, has selected the 30 Most Significant Independent Films™ from around the world produced over the past three decades.
WHERE THE DAY TAKES YOU, 1992, New Line Cinema, 105 min. Dir. Marc Rocco. A group of teenage runaways (among them Lara Flynn Boyle, Dermot Mulroney, David Arquette, Christian Slater and Will Smith, making his film debut) try to survive on the streets of Los Angeles, daily confronting drugs, prostitution, violence and a criminal justice system dangerously indifferent to their plight. The film plays out in an episodic, increasingly tragic structure, and reveals that sometimes the scariest prospect a young person can contemplate is returning home. [35mm]

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Official Website: http://www.americancinematheque.com/Aero/aeromastercalendar.htm

Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 21, 2010