769 East Long Street
Columbus, Ohio

Faculty: Sean Carney and Gene Walker
Dates/Time: Monday, June 22 & Tuesday, June 23 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 15
Registration Fee: $70.00 for current CJO subscribers or CBA members / $80.00, general

Join legendary blues artist Gene Walker and Sean Carney, the 2007 Albert King Best Guitarist Award Winner, and learn about the History of American Blues. From the Mississippi Delta and Memphis to St. Louis and Chicago, explore the early history of the blues and discuss the historical context in which this musical form was developed and performed. Utilizing technology and live performance, participants will learn about and listen to great blues artists and recordings, learning from two of Columbus’ finest blues musicians.

Carol Argiro
614-294-5200 x107

Official Website: http://www.jazzartsgroup.org

Added by Jazz Arts Group on April 21, 2009

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