1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Did you know Pennsylvania releases almost as much greenhouse gas as the entire continent of Australia?

The Philadelphia Foundation has invited an expert panel, introduced by PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Michael DiBerardinis to discuss Pennsylvania’s contribution to climate change, what rising temperatures mean for the state, and how the state may implement public policy that will make it a leader in curbing greenhouse gas emissions. The Heat Is On will also feature Brian Hill, President and CEO, PA Environmental Council, John Hanger, President and CEO, PennFuture, Nathan Wilcox, Clean Air and Energy Advocate, PennEnvironment and Joseph Minott, Executive Director, Clean Air Council.

COST: No cost and lunch will be served

Please RSVP by May 22 via email to Cbonner@philafound.org.

For more information, please contact The Philadelphia Foundation at 215.563.6417.

About The Philadelphia Foundation: As Southeastern Pennsylvania’s primary provider of philanthropic services, The Philadelphia Foundation manages more than 750 charitable funds established by caring families who want to give something back to their community. Revenue generated from these funds provides grants and scholarships to over 1,000 cultural, educational and humanitarian programs, exactly as the donors intend. For more information, visit http://www.philafound.org/

Added by lrolfson on May 14, 2007

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