Your belly will be shaking at this devious Christmas stand-up show, featuring "loud, dark and badass" comedians Greg Barris, Aaron Bowden, Ricky Reyes, Arnie Ellis, Patrick Garrity and Pedro Lima as they tear it up for the annual Heart of Darkness Christmas Spectacular. Comedian Greg Barris is the raucous ringleader of the group, and has been featured on the cover of Comedian's Magazine and has appeared in "Comedy Death Ray" at The Upright Citizen's Brigade with Brian Posehn. These guys will make you laugh until eggnog comes out of your nose.
$10 advanced tickets
$12 at the door
$3 beers
"excellent" - the new yorker
"loud dark and bad ass" - sirius satellite radio
Official Website:
Added by gregbarris on December 20, 2007