College Location; 2 College Street, Suite 306
Toronto, Ontario

The Heart of Chanting
Free Kirtan at the Yoga Sanctuary

Laurie Weinberg -Spiritual Psychotherapist and Classical Pianist

Bridget Lamarche -World Class Violist

Bart Smit -Vocalist and Internationally Recognized Deep Trance Channeler and Meditation Teacher

When: Saturday, August 29th 2009
Where: Yoga Sanctuary, College Location; 2 College Street, Suite 306, Toronto, Canada, College Subway Stop,

Time: 8 pm to 10 pm.
Cost: FREE

This is a free event. Come early to secure your space. No chairs are available. We recommend you to bring your own meditation cushion.

Laurie, Bridget and Bart are inspired to be of service to the community of spiritual seekers in Toronto, through the selfless service of free kirtan evenings. They are joined by equally inspired world class musicians.

Join us for an extraordinarily uplifting and deeply profound evening of sacred chant where you will be guided into experiences of your own greatness of heart. The sweetness of chanting opens and purifies the heart. Chanting naturally aligns us to the inner self. As we enter into a dialogue with the divine, this balances our subtle energy.

Individually and collectively, Laurie, Bart and Bridget have played professionally throughout Canada, the USA and Mexico. For the last 20 years they have had the privilege of chanting with some of the greatest yogis of our modern time. In these trying times they have chosen to give back to the community through free evenings of Kirtan.

For future events, please visit and
Cecil Community Centre Saturday Nov 7th,
Whole Life Expo Saturday Nov 28th and Sunday Nov 29th.

Laurie Weinberg -Laurie Weinberg has an honours BA degree in piano performance from the University of Buffalo. She is a psychotherapist/ hypnotherapist with a private practice in Toronto. Laurie is delighted and honoured to play for audiences interested in spiritual growth, evolution and healing and has offered music seva at Bart Smit’s meditation retreats in Puerto Vallarta for the last four years. A work in progress with Bridget Lamarche is the offering of channeled, improvised music to assist in healing.

Bridget Lamarche -Bridget graduated from the University of Toronto with a bachelor of music degree. Since then she has held a Principal position with the Michigan state Opera, freelanced with the national Ballet of Canada, Canadian Opera Company and Hamilton Philharmonic. This Year she toured with the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra on their North American tour which ended at Carnegie Hall New York. Bridget is a devoted practitioner of Kundalini yoga. She has offered her music seva for Bart Smit and Dr. Williams and is currently collaborating with Laurie Weinberg in their offering of channeled healing music.

Bart Smit -For over 25 years, deep trance channeler and meditation teacher, Bart Smit, has touched the lives of over 30,000 people worldwide. He works with individuals in private sessions or by telephone. He teaches classes, workshops, lectures and offers his annual retreat in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. Bart is a mad lover of chanting and has a deep understanding of the dance of the heart and soul. When chanting with Bart, one experiences the mantra come alive.

Official Website:

Added by Bart Smit on July 23, 2009

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