Healing, nurturance, cleansing, and celebration in its many forms are the features of the First Annual Healing Arts Festival at Harbin Hot Springs, held at the newly completed, architecturally intriguing Watsu Domes.
Featuring classes on Yoga, Contact Dance, 5Rhythms, Aquatic Bodywork, Tantra, Sound Healing, meditation and more, participants will also experience a myriad of demos and full sessions on many different healing modalities.
At sunset the dance area will offer performances and tribal-trance dances hosted by DJ Dragonfly and others. After midnight the two-story geodesic domes stage live music performances and chillspace DJs.
Participants can also soak in the curvaceous tiered pools to enjoy exotic visuals accompanying additional live vocal, didgeridoo and DJ performance. Raw foods will be catered by Lydia?s Loving Foods. More info: http://healingfestival.com - 707-987-4752
Added by alemedin on April 1, 2006