130 E 57th St at Lexington Ave.
New York, New York 10022

RESERVATIONS: (212) 688-3939. The Habibi Kings (Samir Shukry, Ouail Aboulhassane, Mardie Millit and Michael Garin) have played together in various joints for over 30 years, starting with the Café Feenjon. Says Mr. Garin, "Our music is a throwback to the old 8th Avenue music scene when clubs like The Port Said and The Egyptian Garden populated 8th Avenue from around 25th Street to around 33rd Street. It was a scene where Arab, Israeli, Greek, Turkish, Armenian and Iranian customers, music and musicians mingled freely and happily. Our belief is that if musicians ruled the world, there would be no more war. Nothing else would get done either. The whole world would sleep til noon, watch TV till 8pm and then go to work. All in all, not a bad schedule."

Added by Opia Restaurant on October 4, 2012

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