The New York City based Gypsy Theatre Company will present a Matinee Performance of RAVENSCROFT at 3:00PM. in the Gem Theatre in Claude, Texas. This psychological drama is a thinking person's Gothic thriller, a dark comedy that is both funny and frightening. On a snowy night, Inspector Ruffing is called to a remote house to investigate the headlong plunge of Patrick Roarke down the main staircase. He becomes involved in the lives of five alluring and dangerous women. They lead him through a bewildering labyrinth of contradictory version of Patrick's demise and that of the late Mr. Ravenscroft. There are ghosts on the staircase, skeletons in the closet, and much more than the Inspector bargained for. You will not guess the ending but you will be teased, bewildered, amused, frightened and led to a dark encounter with truth or something even stranger. Admission: Adults $10.00 and Children $3.00. Come to Claude early for the Free barbecue and other festivities that are a part of the CAPROCK ROUNDUP AND OLD SETTLERS REUNION
Event submitted by on behalf of armgem.
Added by armstrongmuseum on March 4, 2008